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Meet Tristin - Torrance

Workforce Challenge:

Before seeking job assistance at the Torrance One-Stop Career Center, Torrance resident Tristin Osife had no work experience but her biggest challenge was her pent up anxiety about how to present herself to companies and the fear of not getting call backs after applying for jobs.

Workforce Solution:

Once she enrolled in the Youth Services program at the One-Stop Center, Tristin was placed in work readiness classes and then was assigned to an internship at Affordable Bookkeeping and Payroll Services. One-Stop Center staff continued to build her confidence and prepare her for job application procedures and how to conduct a successful interview.

Outcome and Benefits:

Tristin interviewed with Affordable Bookkeeping and Payroll Services and did well. Upon completion of her internship, Candy, the manager at Affordable Bookkeeping and Payroll Services decided to permanently hire Tristin.

“I think the helpful and caring staff led me to gain more confidence in myself and my abilities. The South Bay One- Stop helped me achieve my goal of finding a long term job position, along with providing me with job training and knowledge of how to present myself in a professional way.”

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