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Uncle Pops

Workforce History:

Uncle Pops and Los Angeles Popcorn Brand, also AceCoPack, a popcorn contract manufacturer, started in 2013 with just $3,000 and has grown slowly over the last 7 years. They have introduced new flavors and concepts in popcorn and sold them to other brands locally and nationally.

Workforce Challenge:

Uncle Pops Popcorn had difficulty in just about every area as they started the company completely from scratch. Financing the company was difficult and slow because they started with just one popper and used any profits to buy new equipment or make improvements to their production facility. They also found searching for the right staff challenging, training them for the job and retaining them with no HR department. Due to Covid-19 and low sales they had to cut costs and let some staff go, leaving the company with just two people.

Outcomes & Benefits:

The services Uncle Pops found the most helpful from the South Bay One-Stops were providing staff. They were referred qualified candidates to work when they needed them the most. They also received assistance with HR or personal matters with staff and were helped financially by subsidizing some hours.

“South Bay One-Stops can help small businesses by providing you with staff. They may also provide staff and subsidize the pay for some time. Get in touch with them because it’s a triple win. The staff gets placed into a job and gets work. You get some help and South Bay stays busy also.”

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