Sharpe Interior Systems
Workforce History:
Sharpe Interior Systems, Inc. is a premiere Union labor firm that specializes in drywall and metal stud framing. Founded by drywall craftsman Steve Sharpe in 1976, Sharpe Interior Systems, Inc. has celebrated over 40 years as a drywall contractor in Southern California. Priding itself on quality, service and a unique relationship-focused style, Sharpe has delivered innovative solutions across a broad spectrum of projects ranging from commercial tenant improvement, healthcare, retail, hospitality, and commercial high-rise.
Workforce Challenge:
The South Bay Workforce Investment Board through its Inglewood One-Stop has established the Construction Utilities Pathway Program (CUPP) to supply a pipeline of qualified candidates by providing support services and access to training and employment in the construction industry with a huge emphasis on the thousands of construction workers that are needed for the mega projects in the area. Sharpe Interior Systems’ team has long partnered with the Inglewood One-Stop, and is now utilizing the CUPP program. A high percentage of the referrals have completed their MC3 Pre-Apprentice training through I-TRAIN’s approved Construction Training Provider, Career Expansion through Coastline Community College. This partnership has resulted in dozens of individuals, including reentry and homeless participants, being hired as union apprentices at living wages, including several that were funded through the Federal Highway-Caltrans grant that was awarded to the South Bay Workforce Investment Board.
Outcomes & Benefits:
Sharpe Interior Systems’ current projects include the Lucas Museum Project and the Martin Luther King Hospital Project. In both projects they are relying on the SBWIB to assist with their workforce development needs.