Counseling Resource and Education Center
Workforce History:
Counseling Resource and Education Center was established in 2017 in the city of Torrance. With over 30 years of experience, their mission in life as educators is to provide motivation to toddlers, children and adults, to achieve their goals in life.
Workforce Challenge:
Counseling Resource and Education Center is always in need of great candidates who can meet and match with their goals. After several meetings, South Bay One-Stop Business & Career Centers - Torrance signed them up for the Paid Work Experience program.
Outcomes & Benefits:
The job developer at the Torrance One-Stop assisted and sent them the qualified candidate’s resume for interviews. Since the relationship that was established on August 2019, the Counseling Resource and Education Center continues to use the business services provided by the South Bay One-Stop Business & Career Centers - Torrance as their number one source for hiring qualified candidates.