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Meet Catherine Alcantara

Workforce Challenge:

Philippines native Catherine Alcantara is a resident of Lawndale who was unable to find work during the pandemic, despite having experience in operations and customer service.


Workforce Solution:

The Transitional Subsidized Employment program (TSE) was recommended to Catherine as a resource. Through the program she was quickly hired by the City of Hawthorne, a partner worksite, to provide administrative and clerical support. She was given excellent feedback from her manager after completing her subsidized Paid Work Experience assignment.

Outcome and Benefits:

Subsequently, she was offered a full-time unsubsidized position as a housing clerk with the City of Hawthorne.

“This program was such a blessing to me and so many others. I am grateful to my career counselor and hope she continues to share her talents to support more people like me who wouldn’t be in this position without her assistance.”

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