Meet Jose Gomez – Inglewood
Workforce Challenge:
Inglewood resident, Jose Gomez visited the South Bay One-Stop Business & Career Center and attended the Construction and Utility Pathway Program (CUPP) Orientation after being referred to by the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, following his release from prison after serving a 26-year sentence. While incarcerated, Jose participated in various In-Prison Vocational Training Programs, including a welding program. However, he lacked industry recognized credentials upon his release.

Workforce Solution:
His eagerness to work and desire to acquire new skills was instantly perceived by his career counselor and construction partners.
Outcome and Benefits:
Jose was sponsored into the local Iron Workers Union – 433 via Bumgarner Construction and dispatched to the SoFi stadium project in the City of Inglewood as a journeyman-in-training with an hourly wage of $45.25.
“I am grateful for the support I received from the CUPP program and my parole agent.”