Meet Marisa Soto
Workforce Challenge:
Marisa Soto, Redondo Beach resident, was laid off from Time Warner Cable in 2015 after working almost 14 years with them because the company was in the process of being sold. She realized that employment opportunities had changed drastically and she needed to make a career transition in order to find her next dream job. So, she reached out to the South Bay One-Stop Business & Career Center for career transition support.

Workforce Solution:
The One-Stop office offered various employment services to her including: employment leads, job fairs, access to local career networking groups and occupational skills training. Marisa received financial support through the WIOA program to earn her certificate in Social Media & Web Analytics through UCLA Extension, a 36-unit course.
Outcome and Benefits:
Through her connections and support while at UCLA Extension, she was referred to her current job working as a Marketing & Communications Officer for the UCLA Film & Television Archive. She has also become a marketing consultant and started her own digital marketing agency. More of Marisa's story may be found in her short story called, "In Pursuit of My Dreams - How Consulting Changed My Life."
“I would (and constantly do) tell others in career transition to reach out and take advantage of the services the One-Stop Center offers. Also, to be open to and listen closely to the advice they’ll get and make the most of it.”