Meet Elizabeth Hilbing
Workforce Challenge:
Elizabeth Hilbing, Redondo Beach resident, was laid off from her job early in 2018. Thanks to a friend’s recommendation, she went to the South Bay One-Stop Business & Career Center in Torrance to seek training and find a way to continue her education toward earning her Project Management Principal (PMP) certification.

Workforce Solution:
After being being enrolled at the One-Stop, Elizabeth’s career counselor helped her search for the right course and university that matched her goal of obtaining her PMP certification as well as applying for funding to cover tuition. The One-Stop staff also gave her mock interviews while informing her of job openings aligned with her skill set.
Outcome and Benefits:
Elizabeth interviewed for the position of Sr. Program Manager and Principal IT Business Partner with The Boeing Company and was hired full-time in October 2018 at a six figure salary. The company also supported her in finishing her PMP certification through UC Irvine.
“I am very satisfied with the attention and support the Torrance One-Stop staff gave me and I recommend their services to anyone who is seeking job search skills and needing expanded learning and training.”