Meet Shameka Moten - Inglewood
Workforce Challenge:
Shameka Moten is a 31-year-old, single mother to an 11-year-old son, who was a DPSS Gain Participant who qualified to be a part of the Transitional Subsidized Employment (TSE) program. She found it challenging to find gainful employment in the bookkeeping industry in which she was trained for and interested in. She went to the Inglewood One-Stop Business & Career Center to participate in the TSE Program and was amazed at the amount of resources and opportunities that were available to her.

Workforce Solution:
Originally placed as a clerical intern at the Inglewood One-Stop Business & Career Center, but after showing great improvement and diligence, Ms. Moten was placed at the Inglewood Airport Area Chamber of Commerce where she completed her commitment to the TSE Program. The Inglewood Airport Area Chamber of Commerce decided to hire her permanently as a Bookkeeping Assistant.
Outcome and Benefits:
At her current location she is learning the accounting program “QuickBooks,” which provides her with additional skills to make her competitive in today’s workforce. Ms. Moten continues to work at the Inglewood Airport Area Chamber of Commerce and has advanced through promotion into the position of Office Manager with an increase in her salary. With supportive services like clothing and transportation she was able to attain the job training and experience that would enable her to compete in today’s workforce. She continues to excel in her position and has collaborated on many projects in partnership with the South Bay Workforce Investment Board and the Inglewood One-Stop Business & Career Center.
“If you push for the best, they (the One-Stop staff) are there to help. They won’t give up on you, so don’t give up on yourself.”