Meet Patrick Tamby - CARSON
Workforce Challenge: US Marine Veteran Patrick Tamby has always had a passion for working with his hands. Upon completing his military service in 2013, Patrick worked as a security guard until he was laid off late in 2015. For Mr. Tamby this was a job that paid the bills, but not a long-term career. During Mr. Tamby’s job search he discovered the South Bay Workforce Investment Board and Inglewood One-Stop. With the help of the Inglewood One-Stop staff, Mr. Tamby learned about the Core Competencies Construction program offered through Coastline Community College and Career Expansion, Inc.
Workforce Solution: Mr. Tamby enrolled in the program, and was surprised at how much he learned about the construction industry as well as safety. Through the Core Competencies Construction program Patrick earned Department of Labor Authorized OSHA certifications as well as trade skills. These credentials, along with the transferable skills he learned in the
military enabled Mr. Tamby to be accepted into the International Union of Operating Engineers Local 12.effectively became her first job. She enjoyed being able to help her family financially, while also maintaining a high grade point average. Fit for Gold program also gave her confidence and assurance towards her future goals beyond high school.
Outcome and Benefits: Patrick is currently working for Sully Miller Contracting as an Asphalt Plant Operator, and earning $27/hour. Mr. Tamby credits the program to opening his eyes to the career opportunities in the construction field.
“I used to think of construction in terms of hammers and nails, but after attending the program, I saw the opportunities that there are in the construction industry. I'm now earning more money than I was at my previous job and there is a lot more potential for earning and upward mobility.”
Meet David Behrendt Jr. - EL SEGUNDO
Workforce Challenge: David Behrendt, Jr. is a 31-year-old father of six children. For seven years he was stationed at the Los Angeles Air Force Base in El Segundo where he was an O3 E7 Master Sergeant. At the time David faced multiple family problems and was concerned with how his personal challenges would affect transitioning into a civilian career.
Workforce Solution: The timing of David’s personal problems was taking place at an inopportune time as he faced his pending service exit. With his confidence shaken, he reached out to the South Bay Workforce Investment Board and was able to take advantage of the resources provided and the staff members on the base to assist him in his job search. Set on government employment, SBWIB staff informed Mr. Behrendt that he was limiting his opportunities by excluding himself from a vast job
market. Staff was eventually able to identify a wide variety of potential employers, distributed his resume and assisted him with interviewing techniques.
Outcome and Benefits: Mr. Behrendt interviewed with a local technology and engineering company and was hired as a Strategic Communications Analyst where he is now earning a six-figure salary.
“My biggest takeaway was expanding my mindset as to what I could do after leaving the service. I was receiving great job leads and was able to still serve the government without directly working for it.”
Meet Terance Dennis - EL SEGUNDO
Workforce Challenge: Terance Dennis, 40, was an E7 Master Sergeant stationed at the Los Angeles Air Force Base (LAAFB) in El Segundo for 10 years. He was coming to the end of his 20-year-service term. Mr. Dennis had no immediate employment prospects and the prospect of being able to transition to a civilian career concerned him.
Workforce Solution: The South Bay Workforce Investment Board recently signed a Workforce Transition Assistance Agreement with the LAAFB in July 2016, which enabled the SBWIB to hire a full-time staff member to assist with employment solely for Veterans. Mr. Dennis, whose role at the LAAFB was that of Medical Logistics/Readiness Flight Chief, was eligible to go through the Transition Assistance Program. The SBWIB staff assisted Mr. Dennis with his resume and shortly thereafter, he began interviewing.
Outcome and Benefits: Mr. Dennis interviewed with Kindred Hospital in Los Angeles and was offered the position of Material Manager with a salary of $70,000/annually.
“I’m grateful for the assistance of the program. I was worried about the transition time frame but the staff helped me with my resume and my confidence and got my resume to the right companies and helped me obtain some great, timely offers. This is a great program and I’m optimistic for my fellow transitioning colleagues.”
Meet Keion Millsaps - INGLEWOOD
Workforce Challenge: Keion Millsaps, 33, is a post 9/11 Navy Veteran who had separated from service in 2005 as an Aviation Electrician’s Mate Airman Apprentice – E3. Mr. Millsaps recently attended a WIOA Information session at the Inglewood One-Stop as he was looking to obtain a skill that would result in immediate income. At the time, Mr. Millsaps was homeless and was receiving assistance from a Veteran employment assistance program. He lost his apartment when faced with the decision either to pay rent or fix his only means of transportation to travel to potential jobs. He was deemed eligible for the dislocated worker program under the 25% grant, completed the initial assessment and was assisted in identifying a suitable training program.
Workforce Solution: Coupled with his existing background, Mr. Millsaps expressed an interest in enhancing his skills while gaining additional skills in digital media - specifically within the film industry. After receiving information on navigating I-TRAIN, he decided to attend Lifton Institute of Media Arts and Sciences (LIMS) to complete the Picture Editor/Film Editor Course.
Outcome and Benefits: After graduating from LIMS, the school’s director was in need of a video marketing piece and Mr. Millsaps was recommended for the project. Mr. Millsaps shared some of his existing skills with the executive director and his areas of expertise and was given an opportunity to do the job and has been working with LIMS full-time. Most recently, Mr. Millsaps attended the Military Veteran
To Civilian Career Pathway Program Education, Job and Resource Fair in September, as a representative of LIMS speaking to veterans about careers and education in the Media Arts and Sciences field.
"The One-Stop was able to fund my training, which allowed me to remain focused on bettering my life without worrying about acquiring new debt. I had exhausted my MGI Bill and Post 9/11 Bill but I still felt that I needed additional skills. My BA in Project Management really wasn’t a weapon other than the fact that I did acquire the knowledge it took to understand that position.” “I have a new job, a place to live, and new car. When I think of One-Stop I think of how helpful and consistent the staff has been. After completing the LIMS training I was instantly hired. Going through a quality program like One Stop will certainly push you to take action and that’s all that really matters."
Meet Manuel Romero - INGLEWOOD
Workforce Challenge: Manuel Romero is a post-9/11 Disabled Veteran who served 15 years in the United States Marine Corps and retired as a Staff Sergeant. Mr. Romero visited the Inglewood One-Stop Business & Career Center, seeking assistance with his transition into the civilian workforce after a long period of unemployment upon his separation from the Armed forces in 2006. After attending a Workforce Innovation Opportunities Act (WIOA) information session he was deemed eligible under the 25% Dislocated Worker Additional Assistance Grant.
Workforce Solution: After attending the WIOA session, Mr. Romero met with a case manager and began attending several workshops. The Inglewood One-Stop staff enrolled Mr. Romero at Chabot Las Positas Community College, where he obtained a certificate in Advanced Construction Safety.
Outcome and Benefits: The certification, along with his military experience, allowed Mr. Romero to secure work as an Industrial Safety Technician for Resolute Performance Contracting, a company specializing in solar array installations where he earns $65,000 annually.
"I’m thankful to the One-Stop for their assistance in making my transition to a civilian career."