Meet Katrina Augustine - HAWTHORNE
Workforce Challenge: Hawthorne resident Katrina Augustine lives in a multi-generational household with her three siblings, mother and two grandparents. Katrina wanted to help her single-parent mother by working and contributing to the household. Katrina attended one of the Fit for Gold presentations at her school, and quickly made an appointment in the hopes of finding a job.
Workforce Solution: During her evaluation session, Katrina was informed that she was eligible to participate in the Fit for Gold Program. Katrina began the 30-hour mandatory training in the following weeks along with other cadets. Katrina stood out among other cadets due to her attitude and demonstrated leadership. Upon completion of her training, Katrina was placed at Ramona Elementary School, where she worked from February to June 2015. Katrina quickly became a role model to the young children she tutored and was praised for her hard work, reliability and responsibility.
Outcome and Benefits: Upon completing her work experience at Ramona Elementary Katrina graduated from Hawthorne High School and enlisted into the California Army National Guard and began basic training last November. The Fit for Gold program was so inspirational to Katrina that she now plans to pursue a career in teaching.

Meet Jenny Victorio - INGLEWOOD
Workforce Challenge: Jenny Victorio is a 19-year-old, Inglewood resident who is constantly trying to improve herself. Upon first learning about the Inglewood Teen Center and the various enrichment programs, academic assistance and employment workshops offered, she asked the Center’s staff for assistance.
Workforce Solution: She enrolled in the Blueprint Program, which is a 30-hour, introductory course that focuses on the qualities and skills necessary to prepare youth to begin the job searching process. Upon completing the training, she immediately put the skills she learned to use at the 2014 Blueprint for Workplace Success Youth Job Fair. She interviewed at the event and was hired by Party City. William Vasquez, District General Manager for Party City, said that he hired Jenny because he was impressed with how well she interviewed at the 2014 job fair. He noted her professionalism and positive disposition. “Jenny is a very positive person. She just gets it,” he said. It was that positive attitude and professionalism that led Mr. Vasquez to make Jenny the Senior Recruiter at this year’s Blueprint Job Fair. Jenny went from being an interviewee one year to interviewing new candidates about Party City’s employment opportunities the following year at the same event.
Outcome and Benefits: Now a first-year student at California State University Dominguez Hills, she is quick to point out the turning point to her success. “Without the (Blueprint) program, I wouldn’t have been confident enough during the interview process,” Jenny said. “My main goal right now is to continue school and get my degree. I am so grateful to the Inglewood Teen Center and Party City for giving me an opportunity to improve myself.”

Meet Destiny Williams - REDONDO BEACH
Workforce Challenge: Destiny Williams, 21, of Redondo Beach, came to the Beach Cities One-Stop looking for assistance in looking for work and hoping for a fresh start. As a single parent to a two-year-old daughter, Ms. Williams was juggling those responsibilities with looking for employment, all while also attending Los Angeles Southwest College part-time. Given all the time and responsibility commitments, Ms. Williams did not have the depth in her work experience to secure full-time employment.
Workforce Solution: Ms. Williams was a CalWORKs participant and met with the Beach Cities One-Stop staff which placed her at The Redondo Beach Chamber of Commerce where she was able to assist with the update and maintenance of the Chamber’s Mobile Application, among other duties. After reviewing Ms. Williams’ obstacles, assessing her skills and determining her goals, it was determined that Ms. Williams was a perfect match for the Summer Youth Employment Program.
Outcome and Benefits: Ms. Williams worked on data entry and promotion, particularly for the annual Redondo Beach Lobster Festival. She successfully completed her 20 hours of Pre-Employment Training and 100 hours of Paid Work Experience with flying colors. Her Supervisor stated “She (Destiny) is a joy to have and wonderful help to us!” As of October 1st Ms. Williams will begin as a full-time Redondo Beach Chamber of Commerce Data employee giving her the economic stability that her family needs.