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Meet Aamir - Inglewood

Workforce Challenge:

Aamir graduated high school in Detroit Michigan, the state was going through an economic decline. Being a recent high school graduate with no employment background made finding employment hard for Aamir. He reached out to a distant relative in Inglewood, California to seek employment in Inglewood. Aamir said. “I arrived at LAX Airport with $80.00, one suitcase and ready for a new journey in life.” He had to give a portion for rent. Aamir went to 50 companies to fill out applications, but had no resume because he did not know what it was. He landed a job at a restaurant and benefited from free meals. By his third month, he was able to purchase a used car for $300.00, which kept breaking down needing several repair and made him late for work causing to be terminated from his job. In addition, he was left without a home because he could no longer pay rent. He started making poor decisions and got into trouble with the law.

Workforce Solution:

Aamir came across the One - Stop Business and Career Center in Inglewood and decided to check what they had to offer. He was directed to the youth department, got temporary housing assistance and enrolled in the Blueprint for Workplace Success Workshop where he learned interviewing skills and how to complete a resume. He was enrolled into a paid work experience (PWE) program in order to strengthen his resume.

Outcome and Benefits:

Aamir was placed at the Youth Department in the One-Stop Center then later placed at City Hall in Inglewood where he acquired more skills working at the City Attorney’s office. He did very well while working for the attorney and was hired by the city full-time.

“I am now a City employee working in the City Attorney’s office; I now have a career not a job.” "Coming into One Stop, you get resources and service that you can take advantage of that will change your life, if you are serious. The One Stop in Inglewood has changed my life into being a positive person and being happy with who I am now.”

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Stevens Amendment Disclosure: SBWIB has programs funded via federal funds. For funding disclosure information, please click here.

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