Los Angeles Air Force Base
Partner Story:
Since 2016, the SBWIB has provided in-person employment services and enhanced transition assistance at the Los Angeles Air Force Base (LAAFB) in El Segundo for military personnel and their family members as they leave active duty and seek new careers in civilian life. Workforce services continue even after the veteran has separated from the service and are also available for spouses of separating military, which includes spouses of active duty and newly-assigned personnel. A renewed Memorandum of Understanding signed earlier this year continues the support for three more years.
This partnership has resulted in quarterly on-campus job fairs exclusively for Air Force personnel at LAAFB and connecting applicants to employers such as Northrop Grumman, Raytheon, The Aerospace Corp, and Cedar Sinai Hospital to name a few. Additionally, the SBWIB staff has assisted hundreds of transitioning service members to achieve greater prosperity and quality of life for themselves and their families as they make the transition out of the military. The community benefits from the retention of a highly-skilled and professional workforce in the Los Angeles South Bay region, which is important for business retention, expansion and economic growth.