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Burke Williams - Inglewood

Workforce Challenge:

Burke Williams - a luxury day spa with twelve locations throughout California filed a WARN notice in March 2020 affecting over 500 employees including administrative, spa personnel, and warehouse operations at its Inglewood facilities.

Outcomes & Benefits:

The SBWIB’s One-Stop Center Inglewood formed response teams to provide technical assistance in utilizing National Dislocated Worker Emergency grants to avert layoffs and to provide access to employment and retraining opportunities to individuals impacted in Inglewood.

One-Stop teams and Burke Williams’s hiring managers, realized the changing production and service procedures created immediate employment and retraining opportunities for a small group of personnel in Inglewood. Individuals were identified to participate in On-the-Job Training (OJT) activities that included the acquisition of new skills in the areas of warehouse operations, maintenance, and distribution.

In later months, OJT programs were expanded to include the emergence of Virtual Spa Services and training and development of new positions in the areas of Safety. While spa facilities remained closed during 2020, limited operations for their Inglewood facility were sustained utilizing WIOA-funds and included an unexpected shift to online sales, product distribution, and virtual services. As spas reopened OJT participants remained employed with continued opportunities for growth.

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