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The South Bay One-Stop Business and Career Centers, along with the Hawthorne and Inglewood Teen Centers, provide services to youth and young adults ages 14 - 24 years old in the South Bay. Some of the services include: pre-employment training, work experience and internships, career preparation, occupational skills training, academic enrichment and job placement assistance. All services are at no cost.


Academic • Community Service & Job Training Opportunities
For High School Juniors & Seniors

For young adults 16-20 years old who are out of school and out of work.

Learn essential life skills, gain valuable work experience

An alternative to traditional school environments providing young adults, ages 16-24 years, a second chance to fulfill credits towards a high school diploma while empowering them to rebuild their lives and community.

Match your skills to the right job!

Receive referral to current job openings and job interviewing techniques, including how to dress for success

How to get and keep a job and advance to a career

Tips and tools for filling out job applications


Receive enrichment programs, homework assistance, job club, arts & craft, sports & recreational activities. 

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Youth Success Stories

Meet Chrisie Morris

“Everyone needs help with something, and the people at Carson One-Stop and Better Youth are willing to help, but it’s your responsibility to speak up for it.”

Meet Carina Noyola

“The SBWIB created a personalized plan for success that helped me to obtain my first job! Recently, I have finished my Master’s Degree in Communications Management and the SBWIB still continues to help me grow in my professional journey.”

Meet Ely Coronado

Meet Faaris Hazara

“The results I received from participating in this program were more than I expected. I am much more prepared to be a part of the workforce and understand it better.”

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